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PBS LearningMedia for Students


PBS LearningMedia for Students

Role: User Interface & Visual Design

PBS LearningMedia for Students is a homepage focused on providing a student friendly portal to existing LearningMedia content that was originally geared towards educators. Designing the site primarily consisted of a new homepage, an assignment system, and student focused log in system. The content pages are the same as what teachers see, just stripped of information students do not need. 


Creating a Learning Media Portal for All Ages

The homepage had to appeal to students from elementary school to post-graduate, with middle school being the largest audience. To appeal to a wide range of ages, white space and clear type treatments are heavily used to balance the colorful illustrations in the carousel. The carousel cards flip, adding an element of joy for younger kids. 


ONe Stop Navigation

The student site did not require a complex dashboard system, but did need an area where students could access assignments sent to them. Assignments and projects were secondary to the exploration aspect of the student site. So the focus of the homepage was the content students could explore and access to assignments was placed, in drawers, in the navigation. These drawers are accessible anywhere on the site .