
PBS LearningMedia


PBS LearningMedia Redesign and Tools

Role: User Interface & Visual Design

PBS LearningMedia is a resource for teachers who want to use PBS content in the classroom. PBS LearningMedia approached the design team after received funding to refresh their website and expand its capabilities. This included creating a series of tools that educators could utilize in the classroom or use to assign work to students.


Re-focusing PBS LearningMedia

The previous version of PBS LearningMedia felt outdated, with interactions that made little sense, and prime teacher resources being buried on the page. In addition, the website was not responsive, limiting access for educators.

Old PBS LearningMedia homepage and resource page


Behind the re-design

Teachers were using search more than any other homepage feature. With this in mind, I gave search the most prominent position, and move the previously hidden filters to the top of the page. The filters were also streamlined so they could be grouped together with keywords, where before users could only search with multiple filters from the search page.

The meat of the homepage needed to stay as modular as possible. There were potentially 6 different versions of the homepage based on whether it was localized to a specific state. The localized homepage needed to re-arrange to fit local content and local news. 


Resource pages were re-designed to put more focus on the content and hide required meta data that cluttered up the page, but that few teachers used. 



The PBS LearningMedia tools were created to keep educators and students engaged with the content on the website. In collaboration with a UX designer and junior designer, we designed the set of tools, which included a storyboard maker, lesson builder, quiz maker, and puzzle builder.